Week 7 Profile: Greg Volker

Our featured player this week is Greg Volker. This is Greg's first year on the Tigers. Greg was a teammate of mine and Ryan Pitt's back in the dark ages when we were all on the Yankees, although Joe Kazimir takes credit for persuading Greg to join up with the Tigers. Greg has been a huge addition to the Tigers. He is one of our best all-around players. He has tremendous ability to track down fly balls in center field and is always a tough out at the plate. Earlier this season, Greg and Papa P got into it a little bit when Greg didn't steal home like planned. What Papa didn't know until now is that once, as kids, Greg was over at Kaz's house hanging out. When he went to leave, Greg found out that his bike had been stolen right out of Joey's front yard. Since then, every time Greg even hears the word "steal," those old, hurtful memories are stirred up inside of him and clearly he hasn't been able to get past them quite yet. So please, be cautious with his fragile feelings!

"I dare you to steal my bike now..."

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